High lmpact…low dollars

High lmpact…low dollars

When designing the interior of a home there are a few guiding principles for getting the most out of your decorating budget.

Materials: One key principle is to use inexpensive materials lavishly and expensive materials sparingly. For example the main fabric or material that is more cost effective needs to be used on recovering a couch but the pricey textiles can be utilized for throw pillows and trim. Another suggestion to utilizing your budget to its full potential is to invest in a depenable trade or labor for your work. Thelabor spent is worth the invest ment because elegance is found in the details. From sewing to wall applications(faux finishing) an experienced trade can be the difference from ordinary to extraordinary. Additiona lly try to make the most with what you already have acquired. Sometimes just rearranging the furniture-either float ing it away from the walls or placing it on a diagonal- can truly recreate the atmosphere of a room. Another option with utilizing the existing pieces is to reposition the item within a room or another room. Also, try to give new life to an existing piece of furn iture by using slipcovers. When using fabrics create a continutiy look by beginningwith a solid color and then adding in a stripe or plaid print. Using different textures of fabrics (example chinelles, velvets, dupoini silk) also add a high end luxurious feel to a room.

Details: It is important to consider adding architectural details to a feature less room . To create a main feautre of architectural detail in a room youcanadd wood moldings. There is a large variety of style and size of mold ings to work with to use in your space around window frames, doors or to create a chair rail.

Furnishings: When purchasing furniture and accessories splurge on fewer bigger items that make an interesting impact. Use your design funds to invest in a focal point element in the room like a largearmoire or oversized mirror.

Another key principle in obtaining high impact with low dollarsisto hire an interior designer. Possibly hiring an interior designer fo r a few hours could ensure that youspend your resources wisely instead of making any costly mist akes. The interior designer wil l also be able to share their foundation of knowledge to enhance your own personal design style. Usually they can design in a variety of styles from traditional to contemporary. Their guidance will also help you set priorities when making some purchases from their wide range of resources. Also, study furniture vignettesin furniture stores and design centers for some ideas or inspirations. If possible go on house tours, try to visit model homes and interior designer showr ooms.

Paint: The esiest and most cost effective way to change the over all Visit Website at atmosphere of a room is using paint. Usually pastels and darker hues of paint colors tend to fill aroom’s blank space. Besides using paint on the walls it can also be potentially used on floors and furnishings. Try using two coasts of deck or latex paint topped with three coats of polyurethane to produce a goregous finish on tile, linoleum or even wood floors.

Hopefully by using these guiding principles on how to create a high impct in the interior of your home using low dollarswill bring you great pride and joy and the end result of a well designed interior space.

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