12 Apr Baby Boomers…. Do they desire and require a different interior design?
There are about 78 million baby boomers living in the United States. Baby boomers are considered to be individuals that were born between the years 1946 to 1964. Boomers have the time andmoney to invest in items they desir e. They usually are newly empty nests and are very indepe ndent minded (like they might have been in the 60’s).
Baby boomers usually don’t follow the established rules of interior design. Since thei r children are grown up they now are able to pursue their own passions. Their style choices are wide and varied but a consistent thought is a demand to be different and aut hentic . They have a great desire to use their personal pieces to mix into the overall design theme.
Eclectic pieces and even travel treasures are usually integrat ed into the design. Boomers enjoy using neut ral color tones but also like having the option to useenergetic shades of red and yellow. In design Baby boomers want upscale living with fewer complications. The home should be manageable, aff ordable, fl exible and accessible. Sometimes door less no step showers for safe entry is a consideration for the bathr oom design. Also, high quality durable materials are impo rt ant to Boomers so they may spend more time relaxing and not having to repair and/ or replace things. Ent ert ain i ng is another key aspect to Boomers so an int eri or or ext erior space should feel open and inviting. Most important is that the home should feel like a sanctuary. After many years being in the workforce Boomers want their home to be a place that truly shows off whom they are as an individual.
A few tips for Baby Boomers to use when working with an interior designer or others: Take t he lead Boomers know Visit Website at what they want better than anyone else. Ask about design for the ages a designer or other trade may suggest some universal design features. Integrate memories of travel, personal pieces into the design of the home. Boomers are active, engaged and aware individuals and anyone working with or for them would benefit from listening to their desires.